The Failure Module (F) [Empowered Mindset]
Dr. Nazli Hardy
Life Inspired!
Transformation Delivered by The Failure Module (F)!
After completing the exercises in this module, you recognize "failure" as a powerful & customized feedback mechanism. You will no longer take failure personally. You have proactive and effective measures to anticipate and deal with failures/ setbacks. You do not allow yourself to be derailed by failure. The module contains:
- At-a-Glance steps (roadmap)
- Overview workbook
- 4 simple, guided, transformative exercises, designed to produce quick & effective results. Exercises are supported by logic and backed by research
- A checklist to ensure that you have reached the milestone of each exercise
- Short empowering scripts - (print for your pocket)
Module F: is designed to empower you to turn "FAILURE" into an advantage and then win at life like the champion you are.
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